Announcing our new Chair of Trustees

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Kim Crosbie as our new Chair of Trustees.

Announcing our new Chair of Trustees

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Kim Crosbie as our new Chair of Trustees.

Announcing our new Chair of Trustees


We are delighted to announce the appointment of Kim Crosbie as our new Chair of Trustees.

Kim Crosbie has been elected as our new Chair of Trustees. Many of you will already be familiar with Kim as she has been a trustee of the charity since 2018. Kim brings over 30 years of experience in the polar regions to the role. She was formerly the Executive Director of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO), one of UKAHT’s key stakeholders, and is currently Chair of the Board at Noble Caledonia Ltd. 

Kim started in the polar regions as a postgraduate researcher at the Scott Polar Research Institute where she gained an M.Phil in environmental management in the Arctic before embarking on a PhD that focused on ecological monitoring and management in the Antarctic, spending three austral summer seasons in primitive conditions at a temporary field camp. 

Kim Crosbie

Kim brings a wealth of experience to the role (Credit: Rob Suisted)

On completing her PhD Kim remained in the field of visitor management, leading expeditions to the Arctic and the Antarctic, primarily onboard expedition vessels, supporting groups of students, filmmakers, authors, artists and other visitors. Subsequently, she worked for IAATO for 12 years with the Antarctic tour operators to develop a strong framework of visitor management practices and as such was a regular visitor to our flagship site, Port Lockroy.

“Having been involved in Antarctic environmental management and conservation since the early 1990s, I am all too aware of the huge importance, and the passion and impact, that the Antarctic elicits in us all.  Over that period I have seen UKAHT come into being and grow from strength to strength in its work and capability. There continues to be plenty to do to protect the heritage that exists in Antarctica and use the truly remarkable stories of those who worked there to help others discover, understand, value and protect this precious wilderness. With a strong team in the office and the field and a truly remarkable group of fellow Trustees, I am delighted and honoured to step into the Chair position. I hope between us we can bring a small flavour of Antarctica to your doors while helping conserve the remarkable heritage for future generations.”
– Kim Crosbie, Chair of Trustees, UKAHT

Kim replaces our outgoing chair John Pye, who has been with us since 2009. John became Treasurer in 2017 and then Chair in 2020. Everyone at UKAHT would like to say a huge thank you to JP for all the hard work he has put into his various roles at the Trust.

“Completing my term as Chair of UKAHT brings to an end my 25 years of active involvement with Antarctica – a special place and a special experience. The Trust goes from strength to strength and our Antarctic Heritage is in good hands.”
– John Pye

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